
Play is over. I get to go home at 4.

Later all.


YoU want to talk about the clipboard and walking away. First of all why don't we focus on the hours of bullshit I've put up with. Why don't we look at the millions of times I told you all to learn your lines, and you didn't. Why don't we look at all the times we chose youth group and church or what ever crap you picked I stead of being here and learning what I wanted to go over. Why dont we analyze
all the bullshit arguments all the bullshit little gags and jokes we thought would be funny. Why don't you own up to the fact that you didn't do what you should have. You want to focus on my hypocrisy, on my anger, and you want to judge me? Why don't you turn those fingers arond and loom at all the bull I've put up with. I broke a clipboard so I wouldn't break a head and do something really stupid. You want me to yell, to scream and get red in the face, why so you can ignore me even more. No, you see this is all your fault 100 and ten
percent bullshi that I've had to put up with. You want to focus on hypocrisy? Way to miss the forest through the trees. I never quit on this damn play, I wanted to shoot myself in the fucking head, but I never god damn quit. I walked away to calm down. This is all your fault, all of it. I wasn't a bully, I wasn't a jerk, you assholes decided to find blame with one another instead of taking responsibility for your own damn actions, I told you to stick together and you call me a hypocrite? Instead of focusig on some bullshit minor detail why don't you own up to the fact that not a damn one of you did everything you could have for this play and you're just looking for someone to blame because at the end of the day. After all your "holyier than thou" bull, after all your good grades and your ability topick out all the negative in the world, at the end of the day, you are nothing more then a little girl trying to pass the blame. You know what, own up, grow up and find a solution instead of giving me more god damn grief and hiding like a three year old. Hypocrisy my ass, grow up.
This is going to be a disaster.

3 days until play
13 days until end of year

Future reference for plays

1. Start sooner (9 weeks is not enough)
2. Pick a smaller play, most will quit.
3. Don't talk quitters into staying.
4. From the beginning go until 7.
5. Make access and homeroom play practice.
6. Saturday practices.
7. Keep line learning a priority.
8. Punishments for not coming to practice and not knowing lines.
9. Go slow to go fast. (see number 1)
10. Games before practice starts, improve games, deliving games.
11. More one-on-one work on stage for what you want.
12. Lines, Lines, Lines.
13. Costumes should be stored in your room.