Basketball tonight. Just have got go through the BS that NCTE has become. I'm just sick of it. Beyond the fact that People Fucking Suck, I've just become disillusioned by the whole thing. It used to mean something, it used to help people and bring people together, it used to be important and informative. Now I just have to be there because I'm the Treasurer. It's become a hassle, and I dont see it lasting past this semester anyway. All the members are in my class, they are all about to quit. And I can see saying good riddance. We've lost our way. We're not getting the best speakers, just some volunteers that can take an hour out of their night. Whatever, just two more meetings and it'll be over. Oh, well, so long NCTE.
Basketball will be cool though. I always love to play. And to get to play with a group and stuff, that's just awesome. I dont know how well we'll do, but I just love the game. I dont care about winning and losing. It gets my mind off of stuff, and lets me just be me for a little while. Tomorrow I gets to teach, so that's probably what I'll write about. I'm super excited and think it will go great. I'm looking forward to it immensly. I dont know why. I'm unsure about the material, will be out all night playing basketball, dont know what kinds of resources I'll have at my dispence, and could easily see this just falling flat. But it'll make a big splash when it hits the water. So, it should be pretty cool.
Later all, got to go buy a pizza for NCTE. See ya.
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