
Lesson 2

This lesson was going to be tough. I think I knew that coming in. I was doing whatever I wanted, completely. My Mentor teacher offered advise and guidance, but basically I was on my own. The idea was cool, the theory maybe would have worked, but in practice it was a lot fo work. I ended up giving two huge lectures with a ton of information. I think I taught the Rhetorical Triangle in about 10 minutes. I tried too much. I want to be in front of them for weeks at a time and work through the stuff, but I got one day to basically try to cram in as much as I could. In theory it may have worked, but it was too much in practice. I got great feedback, and my students continue to tell me how much they love my lessons and how fun they are, which I take as good. My observation teacher seemed a little miffed and I have to wait for tuesday to get her feedback, but I think I may already know what she's going to say. I dont know. It was a lot of fun. I got some positive feedback. most of what I could work on my Mentor teacher just shrugged and said that it comes with practice and time. I just seem to put a lot of pressure on myself. I demand perfection, and I critique every little thing until I go nuts about it. That's just my personality, I need to get over it and change my way of thinking. I'm trying, but that takes a lot of time. It was solid. Something I think I can do in another class. So it wasn't all bad. I need to get away from it a little bit. Let it sit on my head, sleep on it, process, then I can reflect and grow. I know it's not all bad, there was some good there. I just tried too much too fast. I may have blew some minds today, always cool to do, just not very helpful. I may have totally opened new ways of thinking. I dont want to just be one of those teachers that gives them the information and say "have fun" I want to put it to some use.

Whatever, next topic. I'm going to the school play tomorrow night. Elton John's Aieda(?), I love Elton so that should be pretty cool. One more week until break.

Played basketball last night. We lost, as to be expected, but I was horrible. Damn, I think I shot 0-6. I'm one of those people that knows when to stop shooting though, so I try not to drag my team down. I still dominated the boards. 10-15 rebounds in a reduced version of the game. I always seemed to get screwed by the refs. I was getting the ball, it was entering my hands, when I just got nailed. Full body right in the back. I went flying, and all I can do is stand there. I dont know. The guys I usually play with. We've played together for 7 years now. They've played together even longer, I'm the new guy, and I think a lot of the problem comes form trust, communication, and just playing with one another. One of my own players sets a pick on me and I end up fouling a guy because I cant get there. We throw balls away, we crowd the middle. I mean, that's basketball, as a coach I can fix it, but we're not there to be part of a team, we're there to just have some fun. They wont even agree on a time to meet in the week to shoot around. I dont care. I dont care about winning or losing. I wish I didnt have to get the crap knocked out of me, but whatever. I just love to play. People Fucking Suck, and basketball just clears my mind, even if for only an hour.

Later all.

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