
There are days I hate my job. Today seemed to be one of those days.

I guess it started with last night at parent teacher conferences. Right at the beginning T's mom comes and guilts trip for kicking T out of drama. Telling me that I took something from T that she loved, and that telling a 15 year old that I don't want to hear their excuses isn't the way to handle it. I just kept my mouth shut. I think that was the good thing, but it was hard. She wasn't going to do much if she was unwilling to work with others, others were afraid to work with her, she didn't know her part, and all she EVER gave me was excuses. It was never her fault (of course) and I guess I needed to fix everything. If drama was something she had loved that much then you'd think she'd have shown up with a good attitude, not missed a month, then had a month worth of excuses. Other parents were upset that my last grade was on the 21st. 7 days ago, true, but two days for a weekend, two days for easter break, and one day for a track meet. She's really only mad about maybe two days. These parents have instant access to their kids grades 24/7, I'm easily contacted through e-mail, and the year is over in three weeks. These are not new problems. How dense can you be.

So, I didn't get home until 8:45 last night. Passed out around 9:30 and was back at work by 7:20. Keeping in mind that I don't get off hours. I teach every hour of every day. I'm buried under lesson plans, grading, prom is this week, the drama kids have lost focus, teachers are losing jobs, and my mentor is in the hospital with cancer. I tried to go outside and run around a little bit, after ten minutes I was sweating, could hardly breath, and was dieing. I felt completely out of shape. I'm just not a happy camper. I've walked a lot of it out, but when one of our performances gets shoved back (that we had planned months in advance), when our props still aren't done, and when I still have to take tables and crap off the stage, I'm just so sick of this crap. These kids have no work ethic, are either so lazy they are worthless or so damn dumb I have to watch them do anything. I'm just sick of this whole proccess. I'm hoping break will give me back some of my passion. But I'm so tired, so very very tired. I can hardly move. I'm exhausted all the time.

Break can't come soon enough.
Prayers for Mrs. Berens in the hospital.
Wish me luck on the play and my sanity.
I hope other great teachers had hard days like this, sometimes I don't feel like I'll be that great.

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