
You need to be honest w/yourself & accept regardless of how much it hurts, it's not going to be. Acceptance is one hard thing to conqure. But we need to have the strength to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, & the wisdom to know the difference. You know the truth, now the biggest thing is accepting that fact. The only thing you can do is your best to put it in your past. Know you have to move on, move forward. You need to start a new beginning. Go to different places, try to do different things. Stay away from things that are going to trigger memories that are going to do nothing but hurt you. Try to make up your mind you're going to start a new life. You honestly do not know who is out there who just might come along & change your life in a way you never tho't possible. Try to think positive & do everything in your power to make a new life for yourself. Maybe a friend can be of help to you. Work on it, try as hard as you can. You don't know where your life is going to take you. You don't know who you just might meet. Give yourself a chance with an open mind. I truly wish you the best.

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