
Don't worry about the cookies:
1. He knows it was a joke
2. Alisa is going to talk to him and tell him
3. You wrote it two days ago
4. He won't read the paper anyway
5. He knows what you are doing in class
6. His mom would have came to talk to you
7. Alisa is a drama queen and made stuff up
8. He'd come talk to you in the morning
9. He gets along with you and knows you
10. His mom has never had a problem
11. You met his mom and she was very nice
12. It was a joke and he will recognize that

You worrying over something so simple shows how much you love your students and don't want to hurt them, but it also gives him no credit. You know he is not stupid and you need to give him a chance. You've spent the year together and have made jokes of those things all year this is no different and you would have been wrong to have treat him differently. You wrote that two days ago, the one from today was very straight forward and serious. You need to relax and let tomorrow come. Everything will work out for the best; it always has and it always will. You are not the best teacher yet, but you are the closest to them
And you get along with them very well, especially someone like Erik. You have nothing to worry about and if worse comes to worse he brings cookies you laugh at each other and it all goes away because you know he likes you and you like him. If he does it, you know he will forgive you and you will be able to make it up to him. You love your students, they love you, and everything will work out great.



Anyone out there. I think Tim Tebow for the Broncos was the worst pick imaginable. Josh McDaniels clearly doesn't have a clue what he is doing and never should have been hired. I'm finding myself more and more frustrated with what the franchise continues to do.

Play in a week. Juniors were pains, but I feel like things are at least moving. 20 days until the end of my first year as a teacher.

Later all


Lord give me help with this play, because I am up shit creek without a paddle.


They asked me to put on a play. I have five weeks left until show night and nobody knows their lines or anything. Seven weeks and semester is over. Have a two week vacation planned over summer. Parents dont like it, but right now plan is to do it without them. Want to see the eastern part of the nation. Need to be working on research papers with classes. Still putting in eleven hour days even after basketball.

Wish me luck
Finish strong