
I have to say I never thought I'd see the day when Dinosaurs roamed the earth again. I guess it was all a mistake. I never meant to clone a Velociraptor. It instantly broke out of it's containment unit. the worst part was that it was a female. It must have found a suitable mate because soon enough there were hundreds of the things feasting on the flesh of the most available resource, man. We never knew how big and strong these things were. All of our estimates were at least a quater wrong. these things easily run down speeding automobiles. Their hide is so think, not even the strongest of hand guns can penerate the skin. It took a machine gun at least two hundred rounds to bring down the first one. This is the only piece of evidence we actually have. The muscles are wrapped tighter. The tight packing allows the creature for huge amounts of speed and strength. No man can stand if one of these decides to take him down.

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