
Have heard nothing as far as jobs go. Looks like nothing . . . Shit I dont know what to do. Today was interesting with the AP classes. 1st period was very productive, had a solid discussion, connected the ideas to this world, it just seemed like an okay day and I wasnt completely satisfied, so I changed things up for 6th period. They had a fun class, we got to all the topics I wanted to get through, and we did a lot. I wish it would have been more productive, but it was fun. Both classes were good in their own ways, but I wish I could have combined the two. It was a start, the beginning of the next phase of teaching. I tried some stuff that didn't quite work all the way, but I still felt it was a good day. The AP kids however may have thought differently. Most of them had fun, but then it wasn't productive enough. I didnt challenge them enough. Fuck I dont know. Then some girl comes in and starts going on about how this other student teacher is so amazing. That pissed me off pretty good. I dont know. FUCK. I wish I was better. I dont know how much of it is my sucking and how much of it is Cordray being the best teacher in the school. Damn, whatever. Just improve, dont compare yourself to others. I'm not worried about the others, I'm worried about ME, get me good, get me going, I'll be an okay teacher, then I'll be a great teacher, then I'll be the best teacher, then I'll be Mr. Codray, then I'll be even better. One step at a time. This is a 20 year process, this is a career, not something you pick up in training like Wal-Mart. This is a career. You're doing just fine, just keep working at it.

Fingers crossed.
Wish me luck.
Later all.

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