
No chance being hired where I am. Made some calls and got some interest with a little school district way south and way east, but I'd take just about anything. I talked to him on Wednesday, screwed everything up, then have harassed the front office since then. I called him, he called me back and told me to call him between 1 and 4. Well, I had class, got to grading, and had to help distribute Yearbooks, of course. I couldn't call back before 3:30. Last minute, and he wasn't there. That was disappointing. Since then, I left two messages on Thursday, another message today (Friday), and hung up on voicemail another 4 times. The next step will be driving down there. That may happen here in the next couple of weeks, not looking forward to that. It would be different if we had an appointment and I knew he would be there and we could talk, but to just show up I don't know. Especially since it's a three hour drive, and I don't even know if I have a shot at the job. Maybe Tuesday, that looks like the best day. Thursday is the seniors last day, I have to be there for that. Wednesday wouldn't be bad, but that would make it one long ass day (Nuggets baby). Monday have to go in to help with some grading stuff. Of course, now is when everything comes to a head, figures. I'm hoping to call some more on Monday, and see where that gets me. My parents just keep reminding me to keep my hopes up. They say we're going to pull out of this economy real soon, and that I haven't even been out of work for a year, so I cant be disheartened just yet. I just wish I could get somebody to talk to me. Soon enough I guess. You just have to ride the tide of time and see where things go.

We've been writing creatively in the AP classes, so in the next few weeks I'll be posting some of my own creative writing, just to prepare all my many fans.

Good luck with all of your endeavors.
Later all.

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