
Here's Nicky

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am back.

Had to change locations, had to get over some shit. People Fucking Suck. Let's just leave it at that shall we. It's over, I'm done.

Okay, so I'm just getting this stuff all ready. Getting myself reaquainted with this blogging. I'm going to make another blog for when I start student teaching. Man, four years freaking gone. Not fast enough. 5 weeks and counting people. I'm going to meet my Match-up during Thanksgiving. Pondo here I come baby. This is going to be fucking awesome.

I've got a new set of Favorites:

1. Bowling For Soup: Their greatness is easily Beatles comparable.
2. Wall-e: Little robot stole my heart and made me fall in love all over again.
3. Soon, I Will Be Invincible: Every minute, every page, every sentence, pure magic.

I guess that's all for now. It's nice to be back. Nice to stretch those cyber legs again. I'm ending that chapter of my life, the chapter entitled "People Fucking Suck," It's over, It's good to be back, catch you all later.

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